Our Vision
A society with access to quality, inclusive, equitable, lifelong, and resilient education that takes place in a safe environment.
Our Mission
To coordinate and facilitate Civil Society Organisations and all education actors to advocate for education policy making, implementation and review processes to ensure access to quality, equitable, inclusive, lifelong opportunities for all.
Who we are
The Education Coalition of Zimbabwe (ECOZI) is a Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO 17/19). It is a network of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs), Teacher Unions, Faith Based Organizations, Community Based Organizations and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Zimbabwe with an interest and working within the education sector. ECOZI is an apolitical and non-partisan Coalition that unites civil society in the common pursuit of the right to quality, free basic education for all, with emphasis on public funded education.
Area of expertise
ECOZI is a countrywide network that draws its strength from advocacy work on education policy; participation in government policy and program formulation; review of government policies and interventions to ensure that education benefits all especially the vulnerable, hard to reach and the marginalized.
The coalition has experience in advocating for increased, innovative, and efficient education financing from the government as well as from donor partners to ensure that no child is left behind. It coordinates the civil society voice in education by carrying out advocacy in policy and research as a way of lobbying the government to address policy gaps, formulation, and implementation.
ECOZI works with the government especially the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education Innovation Science and Technology Development, Donor partners and other agencies such as UNICEF, FCDO and UNESCO in joint sector planning, joint monitoring, and sector reviews. The Coalition has diverse expertise from its assorted membership brings in expertise on gender and disability issues within the education sector.
ECOZI is a membership-driven organisation which currently has 75 members working in the education sector in the country’s 10 provinces.
Our Mandate
To project the civil society voice and participation in government policy and program formulation, implementation and review to ensure that education benefits all especially the vulnerable, hard to reach and the marginalized. The coalition also advocates for increased, innovative and efficient education financing from the government and also from donor partners to ensure that no child is left behind.
The coalition coordinates the civil society voice in education by carrying out advocacy in policy and research as a way of lobbying the government to address issues of policy gaps, formulation and implementation. ECOZI works with the government especially the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, donor partner and other agencies such as UNICEF, and UNESCO in joint sector planning, joint monitoring and joint sector reviews.
Having worked on the Education for All (EFA) goals and the Millennium Development Goal no 2 and 3 the coalition is working on the Education Agenda 2030. The EFA and the MDG were largely unfinished business hence the Education AGENDA 2030. Starting 2015 ECOZI had a special focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goal no 4 which is to ‘Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning’.
Our Governance
ECOZI is a democratically run coalition currently with 75 diverse members. A General Assembly is convened annually as the highest decision-making body and gives a mandate to the nine-member National Executive Committee which is elected every two years from the membership.
The coalition has thematic committees which are;
Gender Equality and Inclusive Education
Education Financing
Quality and Transformative, Education
Lifelong Learning
Foundational Learning
Each member belongs to at least one committee.
The coalition has provincial chapters in the following provinces:
Mashonaland Central
Mashonaland West
Matabeleland North
Matabeleland South
Mashonaland East
There is a secretariat based in Harare that is headed by the Executive Director.
Core values
Values are critical in guiding behaviours and culture of organisations. The following are the values ECOZI will subscribe to during the plan period.
Life-long Learning
Existing Networks
ECOZI is a member with full voting rights to the following:
a)Education Coordinating Group (ECG):
This is a local education group which is chaired by the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education In attendance will be the Permanent Secretary, the Chief Directors, Directors, Donor Agencies (FCDO, UNICEF, UNESCO, World Bank and ECOZI represents CSOs, NGOs and Teacher Unions. The ECG reviews and monitors implementation of policies within the education sector.
b)Africa Network for Campaign for Education for All (ANCEFA):
This is a regional coalition of other 35 National Education Coalitions in African countries.
c) Global Campaign for Education (GCE):
This is a global coalition with a membership of over 100 National Education Coalitions and three regional networks; ANCEFA for Africa, ASPBEA for Asia and Pacific and CLADE for the Caribbean and Latin America.
d)National Association for Non-Governmental Organisations in Zimbabwe NANGO:
This is a national board for all civil society organisations in Zimbabwe.
e)International Parliamentary Network for Education:
A global parliamentary network that grows and deepens political understanding of, and commitment to inclusive and equitable quality education.
f)Scholars At Risk Network Member:
Scholars at Risk works to protect threatened scholars and promote academic freedom around the world.
g)Collective Consultation of NGOs on Education 2030 Forum Member:
The Collective Consultation of NGOs on Education 2030 (CCNGO-Education 2030) is a key mechanism for dialogue, reflection and partnership with NGOs working in the field of education.