Meet The Board

Lydia Madyirapanze - Executive ECOZI Chairperson

Forum for African Women Educationalists Zimbabwe Chapter.

Lydia coordinates the activities of FAWE Zimbabwe whose mandate is to work towards equality and equity in education. She leads the design and implementation of gender-responsive initiatives, community and policy advocacy, research and the overall running of the organisation.

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SR.DR. Annah Theresa Nyadombo - Executive ECOZI Vice Chairperson

Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference

Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Conference (ZCBC), National Education and Safeguarding Coordinator, a Council Member of Catholic University of Zimbabwe (CUZ) and a Member of the Pontifical Commission on Protection of Minors and a member of Pan- Africa and Catholic Theological Network. A Board Member as Vice Chairperson for the Education Coalition in Zimbabwe. She is also the Secretary for Association for Church Education Secretaries.

She has studied and has obtained degrees in several disciplines including Education, Canon Law, Social Sciences, Business Administration and Monitoring and Evaluation. She holds a PhD from the University of Dublin, Ireland. She has worked as a Lecturer, Administrator, Diocesan Education Secretary, and as National Coordinator to promote different projects creating safe environments to safeguarding of minors and vulnerable adults.

She has written Policies, Guidelines, Books, cards, and flyers as written documents to support the work of safeguarding. She has participated in several International Safeguarding Conference since 2018. She is well known for capacity building of people at different levels from Spiritual development to Academic through holistic approaches. She is here today to share with us the intervention of the Safe Schools Program implemented in some Catholic Primary Schools in Zimbabwe.

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Daisy Tendai Zambuko - Executive Secretary


Zimta is a leading teachers’ trade union, which advocates for the labour rights of teachers as well as the provision and attainment of quality education in all of Zimbabwe’s public and private schools.It is the largest and most representative teachers’ union with a history spanning more than 80 years of existence.

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Melody Beauty Mukundwi - Executive Vice Secretary

Jointed hands Welfare Organisation

Melody Beauty Mukundwi is a development practitioner with over 10 years experience in humanitarian work. Her experience spans across areas of Advocacy, Communication and Resource Mobilization. Melody has been working as the Advocacy, Communication and Resource Mobilization Officer for Jointed Hands Welfare Organization since 2017.

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Evans Gomera - Treasurer

Action Aid Zimbabwe

Evans is a finance professional with over 15 years of experience in the financial management of local and International Non-Governmental Organisations. He is currently the Finance Manager of Action Aid Zimbabwe and Treasurer of Education Coalition of Zimbabwe. He is an Associate member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ACIS), he holds a Bachelor of Commerce Special Honours Degree in Accounting and a Master of Business Administration Degree (MBA). He is also a Registered Public Accountant.

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Lovemore Nechibvute - Executive Committee Member.


Lovemore is the child protection designate and specialist at CAMFED. He provides counselling and psychosocial support to survivors of all forms of abuse either face to face or online. He is in the Operations department. His goal is to ensure delivery of professional support to all children and young people who have survived abuse. A registered, practising and professional counsellor.

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Spiwe Chakawa - Executive Committee Member


Spiwe leads the Chiedza team in Zimbabwe. Chiedza focuses on ensuring the quality of life for orphans, vulnerable children and young people.

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Reuben Gwatidzo - Executive Committee Member

Masaisa Trust

Reuben Gwatidzo is a seasoned ICT professional with a proven track record of advocacy for ICT-enabled transformation of society. His passion for education reform led him to participate in the founding of Masaisai (Educational) Trust where he now serves as Chairman. Masaisai Trust is a committee member of the ECOZI board represented by Mr Gwatidzo


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