World Teachers Day 2019
World Teachers Day is held annually on 5 October since 1994, Education Coalition of Zimbabwe was commemorated on the 6th of November 2019 in Mashonaland West in Kadoma at Jameson High under the theme “Young Teachers: The Future of the Profession”.The guest of honor was the Provincial Education Director Mr. Mhuma, he said: “To restore the legacy of the profession, young teachers should work towards rebranding the profession”.World Teachers’ Day is held annually on 5 October* since 1994 to commemorate the anniversary of the signing of the 1966 UNESCO/ILO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers. It provides a special occasion to celebrate the teaching profession and presents an overview of the international situation. #WTD

World Teachers Day 2015
ECOZI, MoPSE and Teacher Unions conducted belated joint celebrations of the World Teachers Day on 17 October 2015 under the theme ‘Empowering teachers, building sustainable societies”. This was a historic moment considering that this was the first time in history when teacher unions came together, regardless of their differences, to speak with one voice on issues that affects teachers and the education system at large in Zimbabwe.
The event was graced by the Minister of Primary and Secondary Education who was the Guest of Honour-

World Teachers Day 2014
World Teachers Day is commemorated worldwide annualy in October. It offers a chance to acknowledge the teachers, mobilise support and appreciate them. The commemoration of the World Teachers Day were held in Bulawayo at Large City Hall on Friday 3 October 2014. ZIMTA and ECOZI partnered in preparing and commemorating the World Teacher’s Day.The theme for the commemorations was, UNITE FOR QUALITY EDUCATION, INVEST IN TEACHERS, INVEST IN THE FUTURE.For 2015 Minister of Primary and Secondary Education has pledged to have the commemorations done together with all teachers unions and interested stakeholders