Who we are

ECOZI is a member of the African Network Campaign on Education for All (ANCEFA), a regional coalition which advocates for education to be accessible and free for all and the attainment of the Education for All (EFA) goals. The coalition is also a member to the Global Campaign for Education (GCE) which is the global coalition for education.


The work we do

The mandate of the coalition is to project the civil society voice and participation in government policy and program formulation, implementation and review to ensure that education benefits all especially the vulnerable, hard to reach and the marginalized.

We also advocate for increased, innovative and efficient education financing from the government and also from donor partners to ensure that no child is left behind. The coalition coordinates the civil society voice in education by carrying out advocacy in policy and research as a way of lobbying the government to address issues of policy gaps, formulation and implementation. ECOZI works with the government especially the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education, donor partners and other agencies such as UNICEF, and UNESCO in joint sector planning, joint monitoring and joint sector reviews.

Having worked on the Education for All (EFA) goals and the Millennium Development Goal no 2 and 3 the coalition is working on the Education Agenda 2030. The EFA and the MDG were largely unfinished business hence the Education AGENDA 2030. Starting 2015 ECOZI had a special focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goal no 4 which is to ‘Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning’.

Are you interested in what we do?

If you are an Non Government (NGO), International Non Governmental Organizations (INGOs), Teachers’ Union, Faith Based Organization, Community Based Organization and Civil Society Organization’ (CSO) in Zimbabwe with an interest and working within the education sector or you want to donate to our work connect with us.

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